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Updated at 2024-07-21 10:00:58

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Test him of course there is a requirement during the fake couple period you and qin haiqing must break off and you cannot have any contact with any man beyond the boundaries this is his bottom line broken su ruoxing was in.

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Qiao zhanchen couldn t help but raise the corners of his lips instinctive reactions can t fool people how dare she say that she is immune to him the heart rate is 11 the breathing rate is 15 times the normal the skin on.

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In alone it s too dangerous before she could finish her words su ruoxing s eyes darkened and she fainted completely when su ruoxing suddenly opened his eyes he found himself lying on the hospital bed little xingchen is safe.

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He was very good love her but inexplicably she endured I couldn t help but compare my heart to him qiao zhanchen saw the woman s empathy above the mask the tails of his eyes were raised high look professor qiao smiled the.

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Sweat and her legs and feet were weak she couldn t imagine what qiao zhanchen would do after being attacked by the insect king what are the consequences this kind of worm seems to burrow at the sight of blood with such a large.

Breathed out raised his eyelids and looked at su ruoxing who was sitting slumped on the ground professor su is there any medicine that can kill insects but it won t harm the human body the amount of insecticide I m adding.

In fact the chinese herbal medicines that can kill insects are also highly toxic and they are strictly stipulated in dosages that are taboo for the human body suddenly she had inspiration the yin and yang and the five.

Simply put if the living insects are afraid of heat then add fire to the human body and let the living insects die or escape by themselves very good qiao zhanchen was instantly inspired zhang zhilan wears gloves on a hot.

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In a coma with a high fever because he was young and strong his yang energy was already very strong after using the huiyangjiu anti needle his yang energy was rampant and his fever reached 41 degrees the whole body is like.

Being in a furnace suffering su ruoxing took care of qiao zhanchen in confusion her eyes were sunken to kill insect bodies and eggs cannot cool him down su ruoxing could only protect his heart with acupuncture and watched.

Helplessly as he used his own strength to fight against the living insects su ruoxing qiao zhanchen murmured in a low voice his consciousness drifted in and out sometimes in coma and sometimes in a semi awake state people are.

About to die do you have anything to say qiao zhanchen who has always been strong mentioned death character su ruoxing s big tears rolled down he must have been tortured too much to get discouraged su ruoxing covered her.

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Only 12 meters wide although it was extremely crowded they slept extremely soundly the next day su ruoxing who fell asleep in the middle of the night was awakened by the noise before he could sleep for a while su.

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Involved work there are quite a few more than twenty people what so many su ruoxing hurriedly grabbed qiao zhanchen zhang zhilan almost made qiao zhanchen go to hell there are so many patients at once how can qiao zhanchen.

Zhanchen said was right for the sake of the overall situation none of them could take risks easily not long after under the remote control of qiao zhanchen a medical team was organized at the same time he called on the.

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Cooperation between qiao zhanchen and su ruoxing became more and more tacit fighting on the front line with nervous tension for days su ruoxing was exhausted and eager to go home even if he took a leisurely bath a hot bath.

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Face to hide her uneasiness she had thought about it and if he waited a while to be gentle to her she wouldn t be pretentious su ruoxing leaned on the edge of the bathtub and said weakly professor qiao please hurry up i.

It as soon as possible he walked under the shower opened the faucet and started rinsing silently the sound of water flowing in his ears sounded su ruoxing felt speechless for a while he really came to take a shower and she.

Home professor qiao if you have anything to say just ask and I will tell you everything after su ruoxing finished speaking he was greeted by endless silence just when she thought qiao zhanchen was completely mute his.

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Her they have reached the point where they are so close but have no feelings or impulses he had no interest in her and was even more indifferent than before oh fortunately su ruoxingyang he raised his jade arm and rowed the.

Seen everything at the moment qiao zhanchen youyou didn t leave she tried to find a bath towel to cover up but found that her arms were tightly wrapped man s neck her legs were tightly wrapped around qiao zhanchen s thin.

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Also a normal woman okay I didn t do it on purpose qiao zhanchen said with a short body he picked up princess su ruoxing but the woman was like a slippery mermaid her skin was so slippery soaked in bubbles that she almost.

Purpose you said I did it on purpose and I did it on purpose qiao zhanchen had no intention of arguing with the woman as he spoke he turned on the faucet the shower head instantly sprays out warm water qiao zhanchen s.

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Unexpectedly su ruoxing washed it first this time after experiencing endless silence she became calmer it s actually not that hard to have no desires or desires su ruoxing grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around herself.

Zhanchen never behaved in any special way he was as cold as a ruthless sculpture even if he said that he was feeling for her she would probably lose her mind and fly into the flames with such deceptive lies as I have.

Back I will never do anything out of line with you today and I will do what I say otherwise I will become a bastard su ruoxing had just finished her vows in her heart and had already stepped out of the bathroom door with one.

Leg then hiss came from behind qiao zhanchen gasped as a doctor su ruoxing is most familiar with this sound this is usually the sound of a patient in pain she turned around hurriedly professor qiao are you okay seeing that.

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Is something weird about the chest and diaphragm which seems to affect the heart rate it took qiao zhanchen a long time to answer in a steady tone cardiopulmonary function has been affected su ruoxing twisted her eyebrows and.

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Responsible for the fire you lit qiao zhanchen s tall body stepped forward forcefully with his big palm supporting the woman s light and small body just when su ruoxing was trying to break free in a panic for a moment the.

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Jade earlobe in his mouth hot breath carrying his hoarse and sexy voice entered her cochlea I m sorry I will make up for whatever you want me to do okay seeing that qiao zhanchen finally had a decent sentence su ruoxing.

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Sonorous and powerful heartbeat came from his back her delicate skin was ignited by the man s calloused fingertips making her hot and heart stopping and the anger in su ruoxing s heart also grew stronger and stronger I said.

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Yaning knew the dangers of insects and severely warned her not to let her see qiao zhanchen these days she was so worried that she couldn t sleep but she listened to her mother s words and endured not visiting qiao zhanchen.

Now qiao zhanchen finally back she couldn t wait to see him qiao zhanchen heard qiao chixuan s shout at the door and his big palm stopped xuanxuan wait a minute I ll be out right away he responded to qiao chixuan while.

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Jewelry doesn t have much preference but if it is given by qiao zhanchen she will cherish it su ruoxing drew a diamond necklace from the teddy bear s pocket his eyes narrowed deeply sparkling diamond pendant is radiant and.

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Never discounted brother zhan chen must have thought that he bought everything both if I don t like it then give it to my sister in law and don t waste it after qiao chixuan finished speaking she felt like she had turned.

A cold face sister in law since you call me sister in law then show a correct attitude towards your brother and sister in law please keep a sibling distance from your brother zhan chen although she knew that what qiao.

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Hallucinogens were found in wu muchi s blood and she doubts however it was qiao chixuan who administered the hallucinogen to wu mushi then could qiao chixuan have put hallucinogens into the space water she decided to wait.

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Knife does not not sharp and wu muchi s hands lacked the strength to pierce the medical record board when the nurse and qiao zhanchen s assistant heard the noise they quickly ran over and took the fruit knife from wu muchi s.

A moment he became more convinced that there were hallucinogens in the space water she must be hallucinating maybe in her eyes I have turned into a female ghost when she is scared she will kill the ghost with a knife i.

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Found out so she used qiao zhanchen s doting on her as a shield with her crying like this qiao zhanchen might not be interested in working right sure enough after qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone comforted qiao.

Chixuan he put down what he was doing and hurried home when qiao chixuan saw qiao zhan chen threw himself into his arms and complained about his grievances brother zhanchen I swear that I didn t give my second sister in.

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Time in qiao s house from now on su ruoxing angrily pulled off the diamond necklace from her neck and stuffed it into qiao zhanchen s hand qiao zhanchen I can t bear the necklace you gave me and I don t want to be a high.

Mistress my wife saw that little xingchen is cute so she took her to the newly built playroom playroom su ruoxing was surprised that she had never heard of qiao s playroom before it is the old man who specially rebuilt an.

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Go but also tightened his arms hugging the stubborn woman even tighter he lowered his handsome face and pressed his delicate chin to the woman s ear since you like it I ll buy a few more different plush dolls for you he.

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Laughter but now her heart is cold and she has decided to leave qiao zhanchen do you want to pretend that what just happened didn t happen qiao zhanchen turned su ruoxing to face him raised her delicate little face with.

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Goddess let me go and find your goddess she didn t know either no matter where the strength came from he suddenly pushed the man there was a loud bang and there was a shock in the children s room for the first time in his.

Life qiao zhanchen fell to the ground in such a state of embarrassment su ruoxing hurriedly wanted to step forward to help the man up but he coldly refused for a moment she stood aside in embarrassment a little at a loss.

Me su ruoxing caught the scarlet color in the corner of the man s eyes feeling very confused I don t want the truth to be covered up before he could finish his words the man growled tell the truth su ruoxing the truth.

Tight voice answer me a question and I will let you go okay you ask a hint of coldness flashed in qiao zhanchen s deep black eyes your brother qing who is it he observed that su ruoxing called qin haiqing by his first.

Lonely she asked the maid to help bring tai after sending di xiong to qiao zhanchen s car he went alone to the villa converted into a playroom the villa was remodeled very eye catchingly and the exterior of the villa was.

Qiao lu yaning as far as she knew lu yaning was not qiao zhanchen s biological mother but her father in law s second wife but she has never gossiped so when it comes to the complicated people and things in the qiao family.

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Insisted on testing space water now she is breaking up with brother zhan chen now the luggage is packed she is so stupid she doesn t even think about it the hallucinogens I put in will be so easy for her to catch handle.

To be crazy and stabbed the female ghost with a knife just to convince her that there was something wrong with the water in space then qiao chixuan deliberately called qiao zhanchen to induce a conflict between her and qiao.

Fall into the tricks of lu yaning and qiao chixuan also why are they taking hallucinogens if they are allowed to do whatever they want someone will surely suffer she should stay and investigate the truth but she already had.

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First and wait I ve settled in and will go pick up little xingchen su ruoxing pretended to be nonchalant and reported her new home address to the driver brother driver please come to this address yes young mistress the.

Ridiculous qiao zhanchen s jaw line tensed unconsciously his handsome face looked out the window coldly and pointed the back of his head at su ruoxing a refusal attitude thousands of miles away su ruoxing glanced at qiao.

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Aggrievedly haiqing who is she qin haiqing looked resigned ruoxing you also knowing that I m just playing around acting on occasion I m only sincere to you su ruoxing glanced at him quietly who told him to change his.